The Power of Noticing: A Journey to Mindfulness

The Birth of a Practice: "Today I Noticed"
Inspired by our experience, we embarked on a simple yet powerful daily practice. Each day, we would jot down an observation beginning with the phrase "Today I noticed" and accompany it with a quick sketch. Nothing was too trivial to escape our attention.

As we shared our observations with each other weeks later, we realized the depth and richness of our everyday experiences that had previously gone unnoticed. From the aroma of fresh freesias to the comforting sound of a partner unloading the dishwasher, we discovered a newfound appreciation for life's small wonders.

Over 2000 days later, we continue to document these moments of noticing, finding joy and fulfillment in the practice. Here's why we believe "Today I noticed" is the key to lasting mindfulness:

  1. Natural and Accessible: Mindfulness doesn't require special equipment or extensive training. It begins with a simple shift in perspective, a conscious decision to pay attention to the present moment.
  2. Cultivating Presence: In a world filled with distractions, intentional noticing brings us back to the here and now. By appreciating the little moments, we find ourselves more grounded and alive.
  3. Fostering Gratitude: When we pause to notice, we cultivate a sense of gratitude for the abundance in our lives. Even the most ordinary experiences take on new meaning when viewed through the lens of mindfulness.
  4. Nurturing Compassion: Sharing our observations with others reminds us of our shared humanity. Through noticing, we become more empathetic and attuned to the beauty of human connection.
  5. Creative Expression: "Today I noticed" provides a creative outlet for self-expression. Whether through words or sketches, it allows us to tap into our innate creativity and find joy in the process.

Tips for Starting Your Noticing Practice

  • Begin by simply paying attention to the world around you, noting the small details that often go unnoticed.
  • Use the prompt "Today I noticed" to capture your observations in writing, accompanied by a quick sketch or doodle.
  • Share your observations with others to deepen your connection and inspire conversation.
  • Encourage curiosity and mindfulness in your daily interactions, whether at home, work, or school.
  • Keep a journal or digital record of your observations to reflect on your journey and track your progress.

Embrace the Power of Noticing
In a world that often moves too fast, embracing the practice of noticing allows us to slow down and savor life's simple pleasures. Through mindfulness, we discover a profound sense of presence, gratitude, and connection.

So, let us leave you with this: the more you notice, the more you'll discover. In the art of noticing lies the true magic of mindfulness—a journey of endless wonder and discovery.